Thank you for your interest in contributing to support education on the lakeshore!

Please select an option below to contribute.
Sponsorship Options

$5,000.00 Gold Sponsor Sponsorship Package

Gold Sponsorship of our event comes with a table for 8 with preferred seating, a full-page ad in our event brochure, a yard sign on Savidge St. for two weeks, social media and SLSTM website recognition, prominent event signage, and verbal appreciation at the event. Additionally, the first three gold sponsors will have an in-kind sponsorship choice of live auction, dinner, or the band. Thank you for your support of Catholic education!
Sold Out

$2,500.00 Silver Sponsor Sponsorship Package

Sliver Sponsorship of our event comes with a 4 tickets to the event, a half-page ad in our event brochure, a yard sign on Savidge St. for two weeks, social media recognition, and event signage. Additionally, the first three silver sponsors will have an in-kind sponsorship choice of casino games, bar, or software. Thank you for your support of Catholic education!

$500.00 Table Sponsor Sponsorship Package

Table Sponsorship of our event comes with two tickets to the event, recognition in our event brochure, social media recognition, and event signage at the dining tables. Thank you for your support of Catholic education!

$250.00 Brochure Ad Sponsorship Package

Your purchase of an ad for our event brochure helps support Catholic education - thank you!
Please support our work by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.
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Double Your Impact with a Matching Gift!
Did you know your employer may match your donation to St. Mary’s School? Many companies offer Employee Matching Gift Programs that can double your support at no additional cost to you.

How It Works:

  • Check with your employer’s HR or community giving department to see if they offer matching gifts.
  • Complete and submit a matching gift form—either paper or electronic.

Our Information:

  • Name: St. Mary’s School
  • Tax ID: 38-1404598 (under St. Mary’s Church)
  • Mailing Address: 406 E. Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456
  • Phone: (616) 842-1702

All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Your match can make a big difference!